The President of Georgia: I encourage you to stand together in the process of building a new country!
The president of Georgia Mr Giorgi Margvelashvili congratulates New Year to Georgian citizens.

“Shortly, we will celebrate the New Year in our homeland. I would love to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday. I would like to congratulate especially those people who are in poverty; the following year should be supporting year for them.

I would like to congratulate those people who are not present in the country right now. The following year should be a year to returning back to their homeland.

I would like to congratulate specially our soldiers. We feel peacefully because of their selfless and heroic effort.

I would like to congratulate our Abkhaz and Ossetian brothers. We must be able to overcome the pain of the past and we must build a new Georgia by using the new vision.

My friends!

Last year was very important for Georgian democracy. Last year, as the result of the democratic process, we have been able to consolidate democracy, ending the post-Soviet era and start the constriction of a modern European state. However, the constriction of the modern European Georgia must be based on the values and traditions of Georgia. We do not have much of consideration – merely we must restore ourselves.

Georgian nation is the freedom oriented in nature. Georgian culture is diverse and tolerance. Georgian man is individualist however at the same time we are unified by the slogan – “Strength is in Unity”.

Precisely based on these values, we need to create a new Georgian, modern, European State. That is the way in which we need to create the modern Georgian state by hard work, by loyalty to values, which connect us with the past, and connect the invisible bridges to the future. We have to build such a modern Georgian state that our ancestors dreamed of.

I wish all of you happiness, health, longevity and prosperity. We encourage you to stand together in the process of building a new country. Once again, Happy New Year! " – Declared the President of Georgia Mr Giorgi Margvealshvili.

მასალის გამოყენების პირობები

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